See yourself in the movies

at Route 66 Movie Theater in downtown Webb City, MO

Featured Presentation

Coming to the big screen

Beat the boredom of another ho-hum night at home!

Stuck doing the same forgettable experience over and over?

Another uneventful, unexciting night on the calendar?

Wondering you can do with your family?

You deserve entertainment that engages every sense - sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch

Speaking of smell and taste…

coming soon

buy your concessions ahead of time!

That’s right…

Buy your tickets, popcorn, drink, hot dog or burger at the same time!

Just stop by the counter to pick ‘em up when you arrive!

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The latest technology with a classic feel

The best projectors.
The best sound systems.

How a great movie should be experienced.

Going to the movies has never been so easy…


Buy your concessions.


Enjoy the experience.


See you soon!

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